Sunday, February 28, 2010

a letter

To Our Tiny Wonder Baby,

Today, it has been a month since we lost you. I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything to stop it, I would give anything to have protected you. We miss you so so much. You meant the world to us. We will never ever forget about you. We are grateful to have experienced your short life and the joy that you brought to us. You brought us closer together and for that we will forever be thankful. We loves you.

Mama & Dad

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This is my new blog, our new blog, I'm hoping John will write on it too. I want to be able to tell more about our personal life and I didn't feel comfortable doing so on my other blog. We may post an occasional poor me moment and have a few rants, but for the most part we just want to keep all our family and friends updated on our lives.

Another reason for the new blog is that after long consideration, I deleted my Facebook. I do miss the daily interaction with everyone but I can't say I miss reading everyone's status, there is a lot of complaining on Facebook. I do miss the routine of checking my page however. My routine was Gmail, Blogger, Facebook, I still type it in occasionally. I may return to Facebook when tax season is over and done but with some stricter guidelines on who I'm "friends" with. If I don't see, talk, text, or email someone at least once a year, or I'm not related to that person, they will not be my Facebook buddy. If I haven't had contact with someone from high school since 1997 then that's the way I want to keep it.

When it comes to friends it's all quality not quantity, so if you are reading this you are quality.
