Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Making Progress

As many of you know, John and I are trying to purchase the house I grew up in. This has been a dream of mine for about 10 years. It has been currently taken off the market, not sold, for reasons unknown, this could work in our favor though. The only way we can buy my old house is to sell ours, like last week, but our tiny bungalow isn't exactly move-in-ready.

We have made big progress. John and his buddy Justin have been putting up bead board in our second bedroom, I'll post pictures once we get it painted. Cindy helped me get started painting the trim white in the nook, it was hideous, our whole house (trim & walls) was a dirty-off-white-kinda-yellow color, grose. Uncle Tris helped me paint the trim in the hallway and cut in the paint on the walls. Then I painted the kitchen nook and hallway this fine shade of Avocado California green. I love it! I wanted something neutral to prospective home buyers but something I could live with just in case. It looks great with our bamboo blinds too.

We have been packing, storing, and taking loads to good will. Either way, whether we get the other house or not, we are happy with finally getting our current home the way we have always wanted it.

Sometimes, most of the time, Team Junger just needs a good kickin :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our Week With The Girls: Part 1

Tuesday morning of last week I found the prettiest little girls for sale at Lowe's for $9. Okay, maybe not, besides they are worth way more than that :)

My sistah, Jamie, turned 40 last week! Her super duper husband gave her a super duper gift. A trip to New York City! New York City?! Yep, New York City. How cool is that? Way cool. We gave her a super duper gift too, we watched the girls while they were gone. When Tom asked me, I said "heck yeah!" I wouldn't miss an opportunity to spend a week with my favorite little girls.

Tuesday morning I asked the girls if they wanted to go see a movie. They all agreed that they would rather buy an Alice in Wonderland dvd. They(Kate)like to watch movies over, and over, and over, and over...any way you get my point. Works for me! So we made a trip to Target for our big purchase of the day. I would just like to point out that Maggs is the best 3 year old to take shopping. She never asks to buy anything, she may pick it up and look at it but she always just puts it back. We headed home, made sandwiches, closed all the blinds, and watched Johnnie, I mean we watched Alice in Wonderland.

After John got home we headed over to Lowe's to pick some tomato cages for the garden.

On the way home, Laura thought it would be fun to have a contest to see who could dress up as the best Queen of Hearts. Brilliant!

Laura found a red dress, put her hair up in 2 buns to form a heart, put on her heart earrings, and drew a red heart on her lips. She is so creative!

Kate also wore a red dress, drew on heart lips, and she used paint(holy crap she used paint!) for blue eye shadow. Where do these girls come up with this stuff?!

Never, to be left out, Maggie dressed up as Alice. She went for the strapless look because the tulle ruffles "hurt" her.

That sums up our first day. Maggs fell asleep while watching tv with us, then Uncle John put her in her own bed and the big girls fell asleep down stairs while watching Alice in Wonderland, again.

Good day.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

the stache

he loves the thing. i think he likes that chair too.

:) Whitney

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy First Day of Spring!

The first day of spring and it is snowing in OKC! We have been cleaning all day getting ready for a few friends to come over for dinner. The house smells like candles and black beans. Yum!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

one of those days

two days in a row that i am angry at everything and i don't like anyone. ah, yes, hormones. lucky you, i'm pretty good about keeping my shit together, not so good for me. so i took a trip to the grocery store in hopes that my heart would stop beating so fast and the tears would stay put, and the urge to trip someone would vanish. now i'm sitting here, calmly at my desk eating my freshly made guacamole.

on my way back to the office i was thinking of the things i'm grateful for today....

*i'm grateful to even have a job when so many don't.

*common sense


*uplifting text messages, especially from john ;)

*sunday dinners and soul mate friends

just 6 more hours to go.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

This week....

for the most part, was fairly normal. Since it is tax season I'm working until 6 every night and Saturdays 9-noon, for now I am enjoying this schedule but it can be draining. I took a 4 hour nap today! I'm not sure yet if that was a good idea or a bad idea. John worked four nights this week at Rocktown, while doing work for the lab and finishing up his homework. I like my alone time but I missed him this week. Dang, that was romantis.

Wednesday we went with Team Bounds to see The Avett Brothers. Holy crap! Wow! I haven't been to a concert that awesome in ages. John doesn't know this yet but I think our future children will be taking banjo lessons, along with their cello lessons of course :)

Here is a video of the the brothers singing "Murder in the City", my dad and nieces love watching video clips.

Friday I got a present in the mail! Sunday I finally finished up our Team Junger yearly photo books from Shutterfly. They turned out better than I could have imagined. I got them in the 12x12 size, they are huge and the photo quality is outstanding. I'm so happy with them. It's already March and I have no photos from January or February to start our 2010 book. I best get with it.

The books are sitting on my new tablecloth from Target that I just got for our first dinner party in almost a year. I'm so excited! The house isn't perfect but I'm getting over that, at least I'm trying.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

a letter

To Our Tiny Wonder Baby,

Today, it has been a month since we lost you. I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything to stop it, I would give anything to have protected you. We miss you so so much. You meant the world to us. We will never ever forget about you. We are grateful to have experienced your short life and the joy that you brought to us. You brought us closer together and for that we will forever be thankful. We loves you.

Mama & Dad

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This is my new blog, our new blog, I'm hoping John will write on it too. I want to be able to tell more about our personal life and I didn't feel comfortable doing so on my other blog. We may post an occasional poor me moment and have a few rants, but for the most part we just want to keep all our family and friends updated on our lives.

Another reason for the new blog is that after long consideration, I deleted my Facebook. I do miss the daily interaction with everyone but I can't say I miss reading everyone's status, there is a lot of complaining on Facebook. I do miss the routine of checking my page however. My routine was Gmail, Blogger, Facebook, I still type it in occasionally. I may return to Facebook when tax season is over and done but with some stricter guidelines on who I'm "friends" with. If I don't see, talk, text, or email someone at least once a year, or I'm not related to that person, they will not be my Facebook buddy. If I haven't had contact with someone from high school since 1997 then that's the way I want to keep it.

When it comes to friends it's all quality not quantity, so if you are reading this you are quality.
