Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our Week With The Girls: Part 1

Tuesday morning of last week I found the prettiest little girls for sale at Lowe's for $9. Okay, maybe not, besides they are worth way more than that :)

My sistah, Jamie, turned 40 last week! Her super duper husband gave her a super duper gift. A trip to New York City! New York City?! Yep, New York City. How cool is that? Way cool. We gave her a super duper gift too, we watched the girls while they were gone. When Tom asked me, I said "heck yeah!" I wouldn't miss an opportunity to spend a week with my favorite little girls.

Tuesday morning I asked the girls if they wanted to go see a movie. They all agreed that they would rather buy an Alice in Wonderland dvd. They(Kate)like to watch movies over, and over, and over, and over...any way you get my point. Works for me! So we made a trip to Target for our big purchase of the day. I would just like to point out that Maggs is the best 3 year old to take shopping. She never asks to buy anything, she may pick it up and look at it but she always just puts it back. We headed home, made sandwiches, closed all the blinds, and watched Johnnie Depp....um, I mean we watched Alice in Wonderland.

After John got home we headed over to Lowe's to pick some tomato cages for the garden.

On the way home, Laura thought it would be fun to have a contest to see who could dress up as the best Queen of Hearts. Brilliant!

Laura found a red dress, put her hair up in 2 buns to form a heart, put on her heart earrings, and drew a red heart on her lips. She is so creative!

Kate also wore a red dress, drew on heart lips, and she used paint(holy crap she used paint!) for blue eye shadow. Where do these girls come up with this stuff?!

Never, to be left out, Maggie dressed up as Alice. She went for the strapless look because the tulle ruffles "hurt" her.

That sums up our first day. Maggs fell asleep while watching tv with us, then Uncle John put her in her own bed and the big girls fell asleep down stairs while watching Alice in Wonderland, again.

Good day.


  1. OHMYGOSH! the blue eyeshadow is perfect. and maggie is cracking me up with her sassy face!

  2. they are ALL sassy! i'm going to post more pictures in my picasa albums soon.

  3. i love these girls...so much fun!
